Digital Tools for Public Health Care

Challenge Goal (Short Title)

The Center for Global Digital Health Innovation (CGDHI) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), via a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to expand the evidence base on digital tools for strengthening primary health care. They call upon innovators to submit their digital tool or initiative to explore collaboration opportunities with CGDHI for monitoring and evaluation support.

Application Date Range
Opportunity Description

The Center for Global Digital Health Innovation (CGDHI) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU), via a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to expand the evidence base on digital tools for strengthening primary health care. They call upon innovators to submit their digital tool or initiative to explore collaboration opportunities with CGDHI for monitoring and evaluation support.

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Opportunity Coming Soon
SEO Title
Digital Tools for Public Health Care
SEO Description
Call for innovators to aid in expanding the evidence base on digital tools for strengthening primary health care