Alternate, Inclusive and Supported Living for People Living with Mental Disorders and Long-Term Needs

For people living with serious mental disorders and intellectual disability, specifically those formerly homeless or living in poverty, institutionalization at state mental health hospitals is often the only option. This overburdened public infrastructure generally only provides psychiatric medication, with no other interventions. This lack of appropriate care limits exit options for patients, ignores long-term needs, decreases recovery outcomes and puts them at risk of spiralling further down into poverty and homelessness. An estimated 48% of the inpatient stays are long-term users – those who have been in the institution for more than two years. Building on lessons from the Banyan’s hospital, this project will offer alternative living spaces in urban and rural communities for women living with moderate-to-severe mental disorders and intellectual disability, who otherwise face homelessness or institutionalization. Providing housing options with graded levels of support, the project aims to offer inclusive, long-term housing solutions for people living with mental health in a sustainable and a cost effective manner. It is expected that access to such living arrangements will improve the well-being of at least 80 people.

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Project Primary Sector
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