"Android Mamas" for PMTCT: Adapted mhealth Intervention in Post-Conflict Bakassi-Cameroon

Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is preventable where health services are available and accessible. In the post conflict areas of Bakassi, 77% of pregnant women (PW) do not attend antenatal clinics thus increasing the risk of MTCT. This Bold Idea approaches this problem with a package of care delivered by low-literate community women ("android mamas") from pregnancy, delivery to breastfeeding. This project aims to expedite health seeking habits among low-literate women and their families in rural areas by combining a novel approach to audio visual learning. This entails developing animated cartoon videos in local languages to be used for home-based behavior change communication. These images-story format incorporated in solar mobile devices will be designed and adapted for low-literate and/or non-skilled community health workers and family members to improve understanding and response to ANC uptake. Our Bold Idea envisages bridging the gap between communities and health services by having more women accept ANC uptake and know their HIV status early to prevent MTCT. This innovation targets PW, mothers, women and men of reproduction age with empowering community interventions adapted to suit local reality, with the aim of saving children’s live. Once this Bold Idea establishes evidence that this audio visual animated tool and home based ANC approach can change mentalities encouraging timely uptake of ANC services, additional funding will be pursued for a large-scale.

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