Arogyacare: An Efficient, Responsive, Integrated and Sustainable Model of Medical Emergency Care in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICS) - First Implementation is in Kolkata, the Most Densely Populated City in India

In developing countries, in absence of 911 emergency systems, medical emergency is provided by isolated providers with varying capability, resulting in inefficient and fragmented emergency care. Often patient needs to wait for ambulances and/or is taken by public transport without receiving any paramedic care to a hospital, where proper emergency facilities and products like blood may not be available, causing serious delays in treatment and loss of life. This project aims to strengthen, standardize and integrate these emergency services under a centralized medical emergency system to help co-ordinate the emergency retrieval as well as empower citizens for crowd-sourced quick response to cater to critical patients within golden hour of emergency. Initially, the two primary arm of emergency will be integrated 1. Hospital Emergency & ICU and 2. Ambulances & Paramedics, followed by the Blood Banks. Due to the recent emphasis in Maternal & Child Healthcare in India, proper infrastructure for institutional delivery and Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU or Special Newborn Child Unit (SNCU)) have been developed in Hospitals, both public and private. As such, while this integrated, responsive emergency system will benefit all, it will be specifically beneficial to mothers and infants from all strata of society during Acute Labor and Neonatal Emergencies. For more information visit"

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Project Primary Sector
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