Bold Response to Adolescent Pregnancy in Sierra Leone

Teenage pregnancy in Sierra Leone (SL) is as high as 28% and is often caused by sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), transactional sex or early marriage. Half of all female teenage deaths are pregnancy related. Pregnant teens and newborns are susceptible to poor health - both physical and mental. Pregnant teens in this post-conflict and post-Ebola country face severe stigma that is condoned and perpetrated by their communities. Current data indicates a huge gap in the provision of emotional support to adolescent girls and boys - vulnerable to depression, anxiety, malnutrition and substance abuse. IsraAID and FOCUS 1000 propose an innovative project which combines mental health and psychological support (MHPSS), utilizing technology, social outreach and livelihood support to promote health outcomes of young adults. The project will engage community influencers and vest them with ownership in improving the reproductive health and mental well-being of pregnant teenagers, newborns and adolescent boys. Training and sensitization will be conducted by pairing social workers with traditional healers and religious leaders, who will together lead peer groups. Positive role-modeling by successful peers will promote health and education-seeking behavior. Text messaging will be used to gather data, educate community leaders and provide support to pregnant teens. Support will be provided to form babysitting cooperatives / other financially sustainable livelihood programming.

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