Botanical Extracts EPZ ltd. Improvement of Artemisinin Yields from Existing Operations Through the Introduction of a Novel Process Step

Considerable efforts are being made to stabilize the production of natural Artemisinin. Although progress is being made, there are still significant concerns about availability and high costs. Two additional initiatives are being developed to bring further stability to the ACT supply chain: Semi-synthetic Artemisinin produced from microbially sourced Artemisinic acid, a precursor to Artemisinin. This initiative was originally funded by the Gates Foundation. Commercialization has been taken up by Sanofi under the guidance of the WHO. Although progress is being made and commercial quantities of Artemisinin are expected to be available in late 2013, there is still some uncertainty about timing for increasing production, eventual volume and affordability. The recovery of Additional Artemisinin from existing Natural Artemisinin production activities by recovery of Di-hydro Artemisinic acid (DHAA) from existing process streams and converting this to Artemisinin by a novel photosynthetic process developed by the Max Planck Institute (MPI). It is commonly known as the Max Planck Artemisinin Initiative (MPAI). It is significantly simpler, cheaper and more cost effective than the semi-synthetic process. Utilising currently available plant genetic material; limited additional process equipment and the use of the MPAI technology inserted into the existing processing facilities (in modular form) an increase of up to 40% in Artemisinin recovery is expected. Some relatively minor changes to the Artemisia planting material is expected to double this increase. The technology is being commercialized through a subsidiary of MPI. BE through one of its European shareholders is in the advanced stages of concluding a cooperation agreement with MPI. The proposed project to be funded by the Seed Grant is the preliminary step in introducing the MPAI technology on a commercial scale to BE’s existing production facility. This step is expected to take approximately six months and is expected to result in: Proof of concept within a commercial framework to increase Artemisinin yields by up to 40%. Confirmation of design and costing so that commercial implementation can follow. (The latter is expected to take approximately 6-8 months). In addition, the grant is expected to result in further improvements to the plant material over a 12 month period. Once the new technology is installed and running, it is expected to increase the recovery of Artemisinin from 40% to potentially 80%.

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