CareMother: Mobile Prenatal Care Platform for Affordable Doorstep Access and Management of High- Risk Pregnancies

Every day 830 women die from preventable causes of pregnancy. In 2016, WHO emphasized on “positive pregnancy experience" with 8 prenatal contacts. CareNX is achieving this it with at doorstep mobile prenatal care platform. It enables community health-workers to perform tests , early identify high risk pregnancy, connect them with specialist and increases confidence in mothers for seeking care at right time. CareMother consists of CareMother Kit point of care testing devices connected with CareMother mobile application. Further it tracks prenatal care protocols, maternal and fetal health test parameters and establish effective referral linkage in existing healthcare delivery system. CareNX will pilot this platform with municipal corporations and private clinics for urban poor in India. For rural and remote areas, it will leverage existing associations with government and NGOs. Project aims to directly impact 250,000 lives in next two years through public health and private clinics.

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