The CHEST - Child Health Education and Surveillance Tool

In the Amazon region, anemia and malnutrition are major public health concerns. Home visits by community health agents (CHAs) have been identified as a key intervention to improve child health through the provision of health education and referrals. The research team has conducted extensive performance evaluations of CHAs in the region and have identified the tools they need to be more effective. The CHAs often lose track of which messages they should delivery to a family, forget to execute key steps of the home visit, have difficultly explaining some health topics, and sometimes neglect to report the health indicators they are tasked to record. We want to provide the CHAs a tablet-based tool that includes a dynamic agenda to drive the home visit, videos that appear at certain stages of the agenda to delivery health messages with consistency, a data collection tool to track health indicators and infections, and monitoring mechanism to ensure home visits are being executed as reported.

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Project Primary Sector
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