Creating a Sustainable Sanitation Market for Rural Bihar

The innovation that the proposed project adopts is delivery of comprehensive package of market led solutions that contributed to repairing the dysfunctional sanitation market ecosystem. It will contribute to the goal of decreasing mortality and morbidity of children under five by reducing Open defecation (OD) through facilitation of a sustainable and dynamic market for sanitation product and service delivery. OD can lead to fecal contamination, which contributes significantly to infant morbidity and mortality and stunting in children. The state of the Bihar is worse off with being home to 80 million people; 12% of India’s OD burden. The innovation over a period of two years will scale the gains made under the proof of concept which has yielded success in creating an enterprise network of more than 700 small-enterprises that have built and installed high quality twin pit toilets in an average time of 13 days to over 200,000 rural households, 52% of which live below the poverty line.

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Project Primary Sector
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