Fanmi An Santé: Maternal and Newborn Wraparound Services in Haiti

Haiti is a dangerous place to be pregnant. The risk of dying in childbirth is 1 in 80 and less than 25% of pregnant women delivery their babies in a health facility. Women face significant barriers to safe pregnancy and delivery, and babies are at risk for malnutrition and disease. These barriers are often due to a lack of access to care, but are also behavioral. This project proposes a model for ‘wraparound’ maternal and newborn care, offering a complete protocol of ANC, training and deployment of skilled birth attendants, and a package of communications and home-based care during the post-partum period and through the infant’s first year of life. This proposed model scaffolds women and families with accessible, high-quality care and addresses demand-side barriers to care-seeking, a neglected area of study. This program builds off robust baseline data and is designed specifically to meet the preferences, concerns, and biases of the target patient group. Over 18 months, we will determine if and how the program results in increased ANC uptake, care-seeking earlier in pregnancy, increased attended births, post-partum care uptake, infant care-seeking, and vaccination coverage. C2C is uniquely positioned to deliver both crucial health services and crucial insight that will inform the roll-out of the program throughout our clinic network as well as widespread dissemination of the model through the Ministry of Health and partner organizations in Haiti.

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