Improving Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health of Denotified and Nomadic Tribes - Among the Poorest of the Poor with Gender Inequality Amongst the Worst in the World

Focus is on one of the most disadvantaged but neglected populations in the world, the Denotified and Nomadic Tribes DNTs in India with population of 110 million (Govt of India NCDNT Report Vol 2, 2005-06), have among the worst gender inequalities, women still subjected to medieval atrocities & barbaric penalties e.g. branding tip of their tongue with iron, taking out coin from hot boiling oil, strong grip of Caste Councils, have rigid patriarchy, treated as born criminals due to tag of criminality since 1871. Their health status is very poor:33% institutional deliveries, 8% full immunisation of children, 8.9% still births in DNTs which is among the worst in world, DNT women’s age at marriage 12 yrs & first child bearing at14 yrs, The field activities will be undertaken in 12 DNT settlements in a highly poverty ridden Bid district: having high gender inequality with sex ratio of 802 far below national average of 933 &is ahigh priority district in India for unvaccinated children. Proposed Interventions- 1)Developing a customized mobile-appto link DNTs with government health service providers 2)Developing a cadre of DNT health volunteers & settlement level health committees with involvement of DNT Women 3)Enablingcommunity participation, ownership & sustainability through methodology of ‘Gender Sensitive Community Self-Assessment &Planning’ (which has felicitated by a global award by the United Nations with 2 organisations in the context of disaster risk reduction).

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