
During intrapartum period, world faces 1.2 million intrapartum stillbirths and 2,25,000 maternal deaths every year. India alone accounts for around 130 maternal deaths everyday. More than 80% deliveries occur with the assistance of midwives in low resource healthcare settings in India. WHO Partograph is designed to monitor and make timely interventions to prevent complications during the intrapartum period. During this period, labor vitals recording and interpretations from the partograph are virtually absent. More than 90% of the midwives fill the partograph after delivery, that too for the data recording formality. Discussion with 50+ midwives and 20+ doctors in low resource healthcare settings led to a number of problems related to partograph. 1. Complicated to use without proper training 2. Additional record keeping with no apparent real time benefit 3. Looking at the partograph, the midwives do not know when to take data 4. Data entry in the partograph does not trigger a call to action in case of any anomaly. Labor Connect is an intelligent labor monitoring tool which helps midwives during the labor period. The tool allows the midwives to register and enter vital signs of a pregnant woman. It reminds the midwives to monitor the labor vitals, as per the standard intra partum protocol.It also generates alerts in case of complications, based on an in-built algorithm.The doctor at a remote location can also view the live labor progress and guide the midwife.

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