Launching an Agri-Health Cooperative to Combat Maternal Micronutrient Deficiency and Reward Use of Essential Health Services in Maasai Pastoral Communities

Olbalbal Ward of Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is home to nearly 12 000 marginalized Maasai pastoralists. Women and children suffer most from macro/micro-nutrient deficiencies in part due to a cultivation ban within NCA, plus economic and transportation poverty reducing access to fruits and vegetables. Infrequent market days provide low quantity and quality foods unaffordable to most. Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) are frontline maternal child health (MCH) providers within NCA, with minimal supplies, training, and linkages to formal health care. Their socio-cultural role only affords minimal economic security. By partnering with TBAs, we will launch an Agri-Health Cooperative (AHC) using sustainable farming practices, on nearby designated government land. Harvests will be used 75% for sale within the NCA and 25% for free healthy food baskets for mothers attending antenatal clinics and upon registration of birth. Proceeds will be split: 50% to TBA partners; 15% to a growth fund; 35% to tangible MCH supports (e.g. furnishing TBAs with cellular telephones creating a safety net for birthing). Socio-economic development will be evidenced as stakeholders gain trust and interdependence in a domino effect: Government allocates land > TBAs grow business and food > community and maternal nutrition increases > health providers and TBAS work together on MCH continuum > officials attain increased baby registration and use of MCH services, reinvesting > social capital in NCA.

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