Mobikit' for Improved Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age (15-44) in the world, challenging efforts to reduce maternal mortality rates. The situation is worse in Africa slums and rural areas. Many women learn their HIV status through antenatal and childbirth services. But only 10% of women in the Kibera slums (Nairobi) receive antenatal care. ChildsLife and Last Mile4D will integrate mobile technologies and maternal services to improve access to care among HIV positive women and girls using mobikits; solar-powered mobile natal kits. These backpacks with solar units, LED lights, computer, mobile doppler, sterile materials and telemedicine/m-health apps allow health practitioners to diagnose and treat mothers and their babies locally, increasing critical care for HIV positive women. ChildsLife will set up a station in Kibera where trained health practitioners equipped with mobikits can provide much needed care for HIV positive women. 300 pregnant HIV positive women and girls and those intending to get pregnant will be enrolled. In addition to pre-/post-natal services, education sessions related to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period including family planning, breastfeeding, maternal and infant care will be conducted from the neighbourhood station. This 12-month program is designed to improve the health of HIV positive women and girls and increase the chances of survival for both the mothers and their babies.

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