Propelling Motherhood

Studies have shown an increased risk of maternal morbidity and mortality in the first week after delivery, and in Uganda, less than 50% of new mothers have access to postpartum care services. Propelling motherhood proposes to implement an innovative collaborative care model to efficiently provide postpartum care in rural Uganda to improve maternal health outcomes. Our experience in Uganda is that many women do not seek postpartum care, largely due to negative perceptions around seeking care outside the home, limited access to care facilities, and lack of knowledge. Additionally, there is a serious lack of data and literature regarding postpartum care and outcomes in Uganda. To address these problems, the pilot program will train and hire local traditional birth attendants (TBAs) to conduct home postpartum visits with an estimated 480 women identified through the partnership with Shanti Uganda Birth House and Kasana Health Centre (District Hospital). The TBAs will collect data using an mHealth technology that will be developed for the program to improve clinical decision support, measurement and accountability. Using local TBAs will ensure personalized home care services that will transcend perceptions around seeking care outside the family circles, increase access to care and adoption, while working within the existing cultural structures. This program will complement the Uganda Government’s current initiatives to promote maternal and reproductive health.

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