Reclaiming Ancestral Traditional Harvesting Knowledge

Colonization has impacted Indigenous communities, particularly in the severing of Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing. The problem addressed by this innovation is the continuance and resurrection of Indigenous knowledge, specifically harvesting in a traditional way out of the waters. In addition, the innovation will focus specifically on women of all ages both on and off reserve who desire exposure to learning techniques, reconnecting to teachings and empowering themselves to sustainable nutritional and traditional practices based on the guidance of female Elders involved and committed to the project. This project will allow women to reclaim traditional water knowledge and teachings relevant to decolonization. It will also address the lack of mentorships available by creating experienced female mentors capable of training and transmitting learning within the specified territory and around the province as a replicate project for other First Nation communities. Reclaiming and reconnecting to Traditional harvesting methodologies is a sovereign Indigenous right according to the Constitution of Canada and these vastly experienced female Elders are seeking meaningful opportunities to ensure the practice of harvesting is kept alive grounded in holistic mentorships that include water ceremonial practices and real sustainable harvesting techniques.

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