Refreshing Development: Piggy-Backing Essential Medicines Like ORS and ZINC on the Coca-Cola Supply-Chain to Improve Last-Mile Delivery in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Diarrhea is the second leading cause of childhood mortality worldwide. The majority of these deaths could be prevented with ORS and zinc, however weak supply chains and other factors often limit access to these essential medicines. Rohit Ramchandani is a Doctor of Public Health candidate at Johns Hopkins, Principal at Antara Global Health Advisors and Public Health Advisor at ColaLife, an organization that is testing to what extent piggy-backing ORS and Zinc on the Coca-Cola supply chain can improve access for children living in rural parts of the developing world. At the heart of their innovation is the ColaLife Aidpod, a plastic container that fits into the empty spaces between crated bottles of Cola. In their current pilot project, ColaLife Operational Trial Zambia (COTZ), the Aipod has been developed into an anti-diarrheal kit called the Kit Yamoyo ("kit of life"). It co-packages ORS, zinc, a small bar of hand soap, and educational materials. The container itself also serves as a vessel to measure, mix, and drink the solution. By making the kits available through local, community-level retailers, Rohit and his team hope to significantly increase access and utilization of ORS and zinc, and in the long run, help to reduce diarrhea-related childhood mortality.

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