SmartStart Early Learning Social Franchise

SmartStart is an early learning franchise – a network of licensed practitioners who implement the same evidence-based programme (SmartStart routine), focusing on two delivery models: twice-weekly playgroups for up to 15 children (critical for reaching children in poorest quintiles quickly and affordably) & supporting existing and new home-based ECD programmes to offer quality programmes to children. Our goal is to ensure that children who attend SmartStart programmes have age-appropriate social, emotional, learning and language skills when they start school. Over the past three years, we have successfully developed and established our model and brand, reaching over 57 000 children. We have tested our programme and refined systems to support delivery. Our value chain and cost of delivery have continued to show improvement annually, with the objective of reducing unit costs as implementation continues. A strong element of our ability to maximise efficiency balanced with quality outcomes is our commitment to constant cycles of innovation and testing and identifying new opportunities to make the model more effective, efficient, and provide even better outcomes for children.

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Funding Amount (in USD)
Project Type
Project Primary Sector
Funding Date Range
Funding Total (In US dollars)