Smoke-free Bar and Restaurant Intervention in Vietnam

Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. In Vietnam, where half of the men are smoking, SHS is a big issue, especially in the hospitality industry. Vietnamese law allows partial smoking bans or designated smoking areas in many public places, in particular, the hospitality industry (bars and restaurants). However, research has shown that this offers no real protection for patrons and hospitality staff.   This novel project, based on implementation success in other countries, will create a total smoke free restaurant and bar intervention program, encouraging hospitality venues to adopt a total smoking ban, a first for Vietnam. By developing a smoke free policy in bars and restaurants, a monitoring mechanism and a training course for 30 owners of bars and restaurants in two districts in Vietnam, innovators hope to enhance their knowledge and promote behavior changes, thus improving the health of the population. It will be a showcase to advocate for a total smoke free policy in Vietnam.  "

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