Stats Congo

The bold idea ( is the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) first collaborative healthcare database of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH). The aim is to turn big clinical data for MNCH, into big insights. By assessing variations of patterns of accessing health services, treatments, and patient management and treatment outcomes. While disseminating clinical findings through a web-based data visualization. This pilot project aims to bring together clinical data from central and rural Bukavu, DRC, with leading national clinics to collaborate on cutting-edge analytics and advanced algorithms to maximize strategies that will reduce MNCH mortality in the DRC.Although MNCH in the DRC has dropped by a third between 1990 and 2008; one in five deaths (19%) of women between 15 and 49 years of age is due to maternal complications, Congo is responsible for over 6% of global under-five mortality, and 148 of 1000 Congolese children will not reach the age of five. Complicated by belief that maternal mortality is very difficult to measure, there continues to be a need to assess progress of reducing maternal and child death in the DRC. There is no available estimates and standards of data measurement and capturing for maternal health and morbidity for the east of Congo, nor is there any well documented and transparent method to capture maternal and child mortality and morbidity. That is why, is a revolutionary way to harness impactful data.

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