Using Mobile Technology to Improve the Uptake of Vaccines and Reduce Vaccine Preventable Deaths Among Children Below 5Yrs in Rural Settings

This innovation seeks to use mobile technology to improve the uptake of vaccines among newborns and children under 5 in developing countries. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 109 million children received three doses of the tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis vaccines in 2010, while 19.3 million children were not reached. The WHO data states that 1.7 million children under 5 die from vaccine preventable diseases due to missed appointments. The widespread coverage of mobile technology in developing countries and rural areas can be used to reduce the prevalence of vaccine preventable diseases and deaths among newborns and children under 5. In response, Kenko Foundation seeks to improve the uptake of vaccines among children under than 5 by using mobile technology to inform and remind parents about immunization schedules at least 30 days in advance and confirm whether they have received their vaccines. The innovation will work thus: Newborns shall be linked to a mobile phone number by their date of birth and parent’s name and this will automatically generate a customized vaccine schedule for the newborn on the system. The server shall automatically release customized SMS and voice messages to inform parents on the next vaccine schedule, the name of the vaccine, its benefits and the risks linked to missing the vaccine. Children whose parents do not have phones shall be linked to a telephone number of a relative or guardian that can be used to reach out to them.

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