Vitalk: AI-Powered Virtual Health Assistant

TNH Health's Vitalk, a tool that enables an AI-powered virtual health assistant, Viki, to engage, educate and monitor large patient populations through digital conversation, the chatbot. Vitalk is currently available for download on the App store (both iOS and Android) and has free content for anyone in Brazil to access, with paid premium options available, including access to combined care between chatbot and a human health worker (nurse, psychologist etc.). Vitalk's business model works both B2C and B2B/B2G. At the direct-to-consumer level, customers are able to download the app for free and access a number of mental health and pregnancy contents, and, by paying a monthly membership fee, also have access to a human health worker who complements the chatbot's conversations and gives one-on-one care and feedback. When selling to businesses or governments, the platform works as a "CRM" type solution, where patients are able to download the app and register as part of an organization (our paying client), and the organization, with consent from these patients, is able to monitor the patients directly on our system, looking at both aggregated population data and reports, but also individual cases where alerts have been generated that something may be wrong.

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Funding Amount (in USD)
Project Type
Project Primary Sector
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