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Developing Fortified Excreta Pellets for Use in Agriculture

Olufunke Cofie of the International Water Management Institute in Ghana will develop and test fortified fertilizer pellets from treated human excreta for market sale. Production at large scale could enhance agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa, while also contributing to reduction in environmental health risk from untreated human waste. In Phase I Cofie tested several materials that are inexpensive and locally available as binding agents for producing robust fecal sludge pellets suitable for packaging and transportation. She also developed a pelletization unit to produce the pellets, tested their performance as fertilizers, and carried out cost, benefit, and market analyses in Ghana. In Phase II, Cofie and co-investigator Josiane Nikiema will work with partners to establish a supply chain using septic truck operators to scale up production, set up a distribution and sales strategy, and promote the use of their pellets to farmers in Northern Ghana.

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