Sustainable Aquatic Agriculture for Lakes and Other Freshwater Bodies

The ""Sustainable Aquatic Agriculture for Lakes"project, of Grupo Cabal in Nicaragua and the University of Costa Rica in Costa Rica, will test technologies to cultivate aquatic plants and horticultural and grain crops on floatation, contributing to increase food production without spending fresh water beyond what normally evaporates from lakes. Click HERE to Download the photos below.[caption id=""attachment_7956"align=""aligncenter"width=""300"caption=""In Costa Rica, healthy horticultural crops grow on a floating dome with zero bio-stressor control, a prototype for sustainable aquatic agriculture on freshwater bodies. Photo credit: Dr. Ricardo Radulovich""][/caption][caption id=""attachment_7957"align=""aligncenter"width=""300"caption=""Cucumber and cantaloupe plants are grown on a raft in Costa Rica as part of a prototype for aquatic agriculture, which could increase food production without using freshwater beyond what normally evaporates from lakes. Photo credit: Dr. Ricardo Radulovich""][/caption][caption id=""attachment_7958"align=""aligncenter"width=""300"caption=""Purslane plants one month after being transplanted to a floating condition with roots fully immersed in water. Photo credit: Dr. Ricardo Radulovich""][/caption][caption id=""attachment_7959"align=""aligncenter"width=""300"caption=""A floating metal dome with horticulture crops, a prototype for sustainable aquatic agriculture on freshwater bodies. Photo credit: Dr. Ricardo Radulovich""][/caption][caption id=""attachment_7960"align=""aligncenter"width=""300"caption=""Tomato plants growing on a raft at sea in Costa Rica, part of preliminary work to create sustainable aquatic agriculture on lakes in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Photo credit: Dr. Ricardo Radulovich""][/caption] "

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