Development of a Point-of-Care Test for the Diagnosis of Buruli Ulcer Disease

The project, “Development of a point of care test for the diagnosis of Buruli ulcer disease” at the Noguchi Institute aims at providing endemic communities with a simple, rapid, accurate and cost effective test for the detection of Buruli ulcer cases for early treatment initiation and prevention of disabling complications. Click HERE to Download the photos below. Follow Anthony Ablordey on Twitter @AAblordey  [caption id=""attachment_7964"align=""aligncenter"width=""492""] Star in Global Health Dr. Anthony Ablordey handles a point-of-care test sample in a lab at the University of Ghana. The test aims to provide rapid and accurate detection of the Buruli ulcer disease in low-resource settings. Photo credit: Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana[/caption][caption id=""attachment_7965"align=""aligncenter"width=""498""] Star in Global Health Dr. Anthony Ablordey reveals the accuracy of his point-of-care diagnostic, where green liquid indicates a positive test for the Buruli ulcer disease and yellow indicates negative. Photo credit: Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana[/caption]"

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