A Maternal Device for the Prevention of Stillbirth and Low Birthweight

Every year, approximately 2.6 million stillbirths (SB) occur and 20 million low birth-weight (LBW) babies are born worldwide. The vast majority of these cases occur in low- and middle-income countries. Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of SB globally and has made the least progress in reducing this number. Similarly, this region has some of the highest rates of LBW in the world. Recently, several studies have identified sleeping on the back during pregnancy as a potential risk factor for having SB or LBW baby. This is a significant correlation, since pregnant women spend up to 25% of their sleeping time on their back. Innovators from ICChange, through their support of GIRHL, will test a simple, low-cost and easy-to-implement device that can mitigate this risk factor, which may be one of the keys to enabling an unprecedented reduction in the global burden of SB and LBW. The device, called 'PrenaBelt', is designed specifically for use by pregnant women while sleeping. The PrenaBelt causes subtle pressure points when she rolls onto her back. These pressure points activate the body's natural response to spontaneously relieve this pressure by changing position to her side. With funding from Grand Challenges Canada, the safety and efficacy of the PrenaBelt in modifying sleeping position in third trimester pregnant women will be evaluated in Halifax (Canada). Subsequently, the PrenaBelt will be trialed in Accra (Ghana) to determine its impact on pregnancy outcomes (birth weight, stillbirth). The research team will also assess the feasibility of incorporating the PrenaBelt into standard antenatal care in a resource-limited setting. It is expected that the PrenaBelt will prove effective in safely and significantly reducing the amount of time a pregnant woman spends sleeping on her back. In Accra, the innovators hope to show that the PrenaBelt will have an appreciable impact on pregnancy outcomes. In addition to working with local midwives and obstetricians, the research team will also work with traditional birth assistants in Ghana to refine and increase access to the PrenaBelt, while ensuring cultural acceptability and maximizing user adherence. Ongoing impact and sustainability will be ensured by establishing or partnering with a company that will utilize an innovative, social-enterprise model of business to increase access to the technology in resource-limited settings. Follow the project team on Twitter @AllanKember, @ICChangeAB, @GlobReproHealth.

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