Listen with Your Eyes: Non-Invasive and Cost-Effective Deaf-Aid Tools and Related Training Courses to Help Deaf People Comprehend Sound Through Their Vision

Some 32 million children worldwide suffer from disabling hearing loss. In developing nations, many of them rarely receive any schooling and are faced with stigma and marginalization. Sign language for native dialects often has very limited vocabulary, and a surgically implanted electronic device (a cochlear implant) is extremely expensive and invasive. Sense Intelligent provides an innovative tool and specialized training to help deaf people ‘hear’ in real time. Sound signals are collected from a microphone and transferred into visual signals projected onto a virtual screen (such as Google Glasses), a tablet and laptop. Thanks to highly accurate feedback of one's own voice, it also helps train deaf people in speaking. With a successful trial on 20 Canadian volunteer students completed, the technology – as well as the tools and training courses – will be launched for trials in schools for the deaf in China and India. For more information, visit

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