Miracradle for Kenya

Miracradle is neonatal bed that relies on phase change materials to help lower and regulate the body temperature of neonates suffering from birth asphyxia, a leading cause of neonatal mortality and brain damage in Kenya. This treatment method has been shown to be effective and more economical than any of its competitors. Miracradle's phase change technology has the added advantages of only requiring minimal supervision and minimal electrical access needed for its use. This technology has been successfully implemented in India, and Villgro Kenya looks to bring it into East African hospitals. Miracradle is a social innovation that is a part of Pluss Technologies product line. Their innovation has been able to be priced at a point that many rural hospitals are able to afford it. Their business model has already seen success in India and can be adapted for Kenyan hosptials. The purpose of this project is to fund the testing necessary to bring the Miracradle from a proof of concept, through clinical trials in Kenya, and to the point of being able to prepared for adoption and dissemination to district hospitals throughout Kenya. These hospitals currently have no neonatal ICU facilities, and thus this project would include the creation of an implementation protocol for all Kenyan health centers who would purchase and adopt Miracradle technology. This would include creating a package of materials needed to complement a Miracradle's use in a Kenyan district hospital.

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