Developing Women-Led Entrepreneurship Model of Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutritional Outcomes for Pregnant Women, Lactating Mothers and Children Under Age 2 Among 14000 Households of Anandpuri Block, Banswara District, Rajasthan, India

The project is designed to address the problem of chronic under nutrition by delivering sustainable and scalable cross-sectoral solutions to transform the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable communities in Banswara, South Rajasthan. One key aspect of the project involves exploring new ways to promote coordination between multi sectoral aspects i.e. agriculture, nutrition, women empowerment, enterprise development and community development. Malnutrition is a multidimensional problem and efforts from the Project to address it must ­­ be multisectoral as increased coordination and alignment between different sectors will be vital for sustained impact on nutrition outcomes. This model of Innovative and coordination will develop Nutrition sensitive Farming system and encouraging community to adopt an approach through LANN (Linking Agriculture, Nutrition and Natural Resource Management) and link with develop business plan for Nutrition sensitive Farming school where Farmers been act as trainers to train the community on nutritive crop based management , essential inputs on nutrition related crops and other issues which leads to availability of nutrition security throughout among the community and trainers of school who are women Farmers will be entrepreneurs to share their success stories to replicable the model in other areas. The Group-based approach has been use through SHGs whereby the learning reflects and has a multiplier effect within and across communities.

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