Clinical Data Capture with Digital Pen and Paper (DPP) in Peripheral Hospitals in Low-Income Country Setting

The solution is using digital pen and paper [DPP] technology for clinic and hospital data collection. It has been used in transport and logistics industry where clients and users are widely dispersed, as well as health industry with a distributed services structure. With a digital pen and paper system, data is captured on a digital data capture form using a digital pen. For the user, the process is no different from normal ‘form filling’. The pen then sends the data in its digital format via cell phone or internet to central a server, where it can be accessed via computer. Currently, data collection from peripheral hospitals is incomplete, late in being centralized and cannot be re-checked, this technology allows the data to be accessed in closer time proximity and proofed. Recent publications looking at efficacy of Caesarean section (CS) at population level established that at a global level the data was incomplete and at national level, especially in low income countries, the data was incomplete and inadequate.For women requiring caesarean section, the service is inadequate to meet individual needs [quality of care] and population needs [caesarean section rate]. There is wide variation but generally lower than 6% Caesarean section (CS) rate in rural hospitals in Zimbabwe. With the current resources, and good data, relatively low CS rates [10%] can be turned into good maternal outcomes [improved MMR] and neonatal outcomes, [lower Still Birth Rate and Neonatal Death Rate].

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