Locally-Produced Spirulina for Protein, Iron, and Vitamin Supplementation in Children

Spirulina is a nutrient-rich algae providing far more protein per gram than meats or plant sources, all essential amino acids, high iron, and vitamins A, B12, and K. Here, it is sold as a high-end nutritional supplement. We aim to bring Spirulina's nutritional benefits inexpensively to children in the Philippines, who need what it provides: nearly half of Filipino households fail to reach desired daily protein consumption levels, and 35% of children under 5 suffer from anemia. Spirulina thrives in warm water, easily provided in the Philippine climate, and we will develop production methods based on simple, locally available technologies (cement ponds, plastic tubs, manual stirring, and sun-drying). We will produce packages of dried instant noodles (commonly eaten by local children but lacking in nutrition) with Spirulina-augmented flavour packets. The process will be designed to integrate into the local lifestyle, emphasizing methods implementable by mothers while caring for young children and allowing a group of women to run a pilot cooperative-style business at the initial test site, Napsan (a village in Palawan), where our partner Dr. Goh and Prof. McMillen both have strong local connections developed during other projects. Once sustainable local production is established in Napsan, we will export the model to other villages. Production beyond local needs can be exported to the high-end markets in Manila/Canada, creating economic opportunities for local mothers.

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