Alleviating Issues of Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines

The Philippines has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in SE Asia, growing from 6.5% in 1996 to 10% in 2013, with higher values among rural and poor areas.[UN PopulationFund] Many of these were unplanned largely due to lack of information since the culture prevents discussion. 75% of maternal deaths happen to teens, while a fifth of fetal deaths are attributed to it. We aim to target teen pregnancy issues through information, first by giving access to it, then by enabling a culture of openness.Filipino teens, particularly in rural areas, have little exposure to information on sex and reproduction. We aim to use radio to remedy the situation - it is the one source that reaches the most remote place; even where there’s no electricity, one can hear radio blaring all day. Our plan is for a 2x/week radio program, with 3 main parts: a talk show, in which the host interviews a health professional about planned topics; questions from the listeners - sent by text messages - to be answered by the guest expert; and snappy 2-min segments of information, with some dramatization and humour. Topics include: menstruation, conception/contraception, nutrition. We will take a comforting and factual approach, so that, aside from conveying information, we hope to bring these taboo subjects into a more open discussion. The pilot will be in Palawan. Its effectiveness will be tested by survey of attitudes at the start, and at 6, 12 and 15 months. Adjustments and a plan for scale up will be made.

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