Provision of Orthotic Care for Children Using 3D Printed Devices

We address the health challenge of provision of orthotic care to children under 5 years of age, who suffer from skeletal deformities. We aim to remedy the congenital condition of clubfoot and postnatal early-onset scoliosis, through the use of orthotic devices fabricated by 3D printing. If left untreated in young children, such skeletal deformities can grow to become a major handicap, preventing persons from full participation in society due to lack of employment, and due to the stigma of deformity. We propose a novel system to fabricate orthotic devices directly in-country via 3D printing, and provision of those devices through local clinical partnerships. Our technology is our high-quality design, low-cost, 3D printed orthotic devices, which are: a clubfoot correction brace and a scoliosis corrective brace. Our clinical partners are dedicated/skilled clinicians established in-country, who will be trained in the orthotic provision system. With this system, they can produce advanced orthotic designs for children directly in their LMIC. Our non-profit business model proposes selling these same orthotic devices (having advantages over standard orthotics) to western-world countries, whereby excess revenue generation will fund provision in LMIC. We start in Nepal, and hope to extend the work to our other international partners. This combination of advanced technology, in-country fabrication and provision, and sustainable business model, will provide care to children in need.

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