Chanjo Plus Busia Expansion

A key barrier that prevents the distribution and access to life saving vaccines to majority of children 0-5 years especially from vulnerable, poor remote communities has been lack of proper identification and registration mechanisms.Putting the child at the center of the tracking efforts is not as simple, as majority of children especially in poor infrastructure and poor resource settings as well as remote and vulnerable communities have no formal record of their existence.The clarion call for the universal health care coverage and the SDG 3 target 3:2 seeks to end preventable deaths by the year 2030 and the aim is that by 2030 we will leave no one behind. The question is how do you leave no one behind when we don't even know who everyone is?This is where Chanjoplus comes in. Chanjoplus is a USSD enabled platform that is accessible on a a basic feature phone to help community health workers identify and register children most at risk of missing out on life saving vaccines,track their vaccination uptake as well as monitor immunization performance real time.The database uses information compiled by community health workers to build a digital identity for each child, with details on which vaccinations were given and when and where they were given. These records can then be pulled up by any public health clinic anywhere, making it easy to identify which children are falling through the immunisation gaps and provide real-time data on vaccination drives.

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Project Type
Project Primary Sector
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