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Hybrid Paper-to-Digital Pictorial Interface for MNCH Supply Chains

Yasmin Chandani of inSupply Health Limited and Pratap Kumar of Health-E-net Limited both in Kenya will develop a simple digital health tool to support the maternal and child health supply chains for low-literate, nomadic communities spread sparsely across Kenya. Counties in semi-arid lands have poor maternal and child health indicators caused by vast distances, low literacy rates, no fixed health facilities, and no data on supply chains. To address this, they will develop software to combine paper-based methods with feature-phone cameras for community health workers to easily record data on stocks and supplies. The recorded data will be integrated into existing workflows to inform supply chain managers and support ordering and resupply decisions. They will perform a twelve-month pilot study in Turkana County that will involve training community health workers to use the tool, and they will evaluate its performance in accurately recording stocks dispensed and received during resupply. They will also collect qualitative feedback from health workers to help improve the tools design.

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