Increasing Self-Resilience of the Persons with Functional Difficulties By Providing Prosthetics and Creating Inclusive Protective Environments Through Community and Beneficiary Participation

Many persons with mobility impairments or amputations in NW Syria are in need of prosthetics or orthotics. A needs assessment jointly conducted by HIHFAD and Medecine du Monde-Turkey in Afrin and Al Bab in November 2019 showed an alarming percentage of persons with disabilities in the area revealing existing gaps in services provision. In Afrin, out of 376 respondents, 38% had at least one household member with mobility issues (35% from 383 respondents in Al Bab), 20% suffered from cognitive impairment (13% in Al Bab), 18% from hearing issues (14% in Al Bab), 15% from communication difficulties (4% in Al Bab) and 10% from self-care difficulties (17% in Al Bab).In Afrin, a fifth could not access healthcare services when needed. HiHFAD’s waiting list include about 200 persons in need of prosthetics or orthotics. The data also shows the gender disaggregation of survivors as:74% Men, 11% Women, 10% Boys and 5% Girls.

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