Haida Gwaii Media Collective

We are based in Skidegate, a remote community of 1,000 Haida citizens. Our community hosts many inspiring projects related to Haida language, food security, and climate justice. Though we are engaged in rich cultural revitalization, our community narrative is largely controlled by outsiders. People who are not aware of Haida protocol may misrepresent or appropriate something in their film, and many of our local stories are left unshared. Locals face two specific issues that prevent them from creating inspiring media projects and sharing their stories: limited physical resources and opportunities for capacity-building. First is the lack of a dedicated space to house media equipment and facilitate workshops. Collaborative media work is limited by our shortage of public workspaces, and the significant expense of equipment. An effective way to increase access to equipment is to house it in a central, accessible space for shared use. A second issue is the lack of support for community members to mentor one another and build long-term capacity for media production. Compared to mainland B.C., Skidegate residents have limited access to opportunities for professional growth and continuing education. To advance equality for the Haida Nation and for Indigenous women, we must provide opportunities for our people to build creative livelihoods and develop powerful voices.

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Project Primary Sector
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