
a)Unmet need of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for the poorest of the poor blind girls & women (PPBGW). They are most vulnerable to sexual & gender based violence. b)Conservative socio-cultural & gender norms in India deprive their access to CSE as they face dual stigma of being blind & female. c)Among all stakeholders: lack of c1)Awareness on SRH rights & needs of PPBGW, c2)lack of Knowledge & customized resources. d)Lack of easily available, affordable audio-tactile learning aids

Georgia is a conservative country where Orthodox Christian Church has equal if not more power than the state, this power dynamic reflects on social and political climate of Georgia as well, especially policies that should protect minorities and liberal values, are often objected by church. Sexual education policy is one of them and it gets politically manipulated, even after 20 years of fight by NGOs and civil society we don't have Sex Ed in schools or any free sexual and reproductive services

Uganda's lack of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in national curriculum leaves little opportunity for youth to learn about sex and sexual rights. Adolescents will go to a variety of information sources but often will receive confusing and conflicting information about relationships and sex. The lack of CSE has left Uganda with one of the most alarming teenage pregnancy rates in the world, estimated at about 30%, four times higher than in other developing countries.

OneSky has developed an Early Childhood Care and Education program designed to address the need for high quality care and education of vulnerable young children in newly industrialized regions in the developing world. At the foundation of the innovation are a ToT approach, unique OneSky curriculum, and partnership with the government.