Data Collection/Needs Assessments

An ALNAP survey (2010) notes that the most difficult challenge recognised by the humanitarian system is “poorly coordinated response efforts/lack of effective leadership". This is largely due to information flow impediments, including inaccessibility, unwillingness, inconsistency, inadequate stream of information, low information priority, source identification difficulty, storage media misalignment and unreliability. Information flow impediments limit coordination and paralyse decision-making.

Access to and quality of health services are major concerns in conflict settings where destruction of health facilities and loss of health professionals limit capacity. Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, there have been 485 attacks on health facilities and 60% of hospitals are destroyed or seriously damaged (1,2). Innovative approaches to supporting facility and community care using para-professionals are urgently needed given significant losses of health facilities and staff (1,2).

SurgiBox addresses three problems team members saw while delivering surgery in conflict zones and humanitarian crises. 1) Patient safety - high infection risks in nonsterile facilities. 2) Provider safety - infection risks worsened by inadequate personal protective equipment, as highlighted by but not limited to the Ebola crisis. 3) Surgical capacity - facilities are targets of attack and teams must be nimble, so minimizing footprint infrastructure and simplifying supply chains is key.