
The home environments in which children are raised fundamentally shape their health, wellbeing, and development outcomes in early childhood and throughout their lives. Bandebereho is a gender-transformative intervention in Rwanda that helps new parents to become more equitable, caring, and responsive caregivers. The intervention is proven to reduce violence within the home and to foster men's engagement in their children's lives.

Sexual violence risk reduction program that builds girls' physical, vocal and mental skills through both reality based self-defence skills and soft skills training. The FightBack model also incorporates training for adolescent boys, parents and teachers to address discriminatory cultural norms like honour and victim blaming, to ensure that the onus of reducing sexual violence is not placed solely on girls themselves.

In Brazil, a woman is raped every 11 minutes and 12 women are killed daily1. Lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women are disproportionately affected by gender-based violence2,3. In 2018, a Rio de Janeiro councilwoman, Marielle Franco, was shot and killed in her car4. Raised in poverty, Franco was a black, bisexual, feminist, human rights activist and single mother. Her murder shocked the world and the crime is still unsolved. No interventions exist to address violence against LBT women.

En Côte d'Ivoire, les pesanteurs socioculturelles empêchent nombre de femmes de dénoncer les violences qu'elles subissent, notamment au sein de leurs foyers. Le règlement à l'amiable est souvent privilégié aux poursuites judiciaires en cas de VBG, sans réelle sanction à l'encontre des auteurs. Cela renforce le sentiment d'impunité de ces derniers et entrave l'accès des femmes aux services de prise en charge médicale, psychologique, juridique, socioéconomique, de protection dont elles nécessitent

The Lekker platform is a learning tool aiming at behavioral change by civic education in community-health of children age 12-17. The content on premature marriage, family planning, sexually transmitted and infectious diseases is personalized to match students' level of education. Accessible by computers, tablets or smartphones, it uses gamification to keep users engaged.

52% of girls in South Sudan are married before age 18; 17% marry before they turn 15 (UN). Child brides have double the pregnancy death rate of their peers. Pregnancy leads in cause of death for girls ages 15-19 in LMICs. Child brides are at high risk for fistulas vaginal and anal ruptures, and their babies are sicker and weaker. Child brides have a higher risk for STDs and chronic anemia, lack access to contraceptives, have a higher risk of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and murder.

A culture plagued by the domination & sexualization of the Jamaican woman, Intimate Partner Violence as stated by PM Andrew Holness “is one of the greatest challenges that women face in our society today". The UN Women funded survey on GBV, reports that more than 1 in every 4 women experiences IPV in Jamaica. Women had negative attitudes towards IPV suggesting that violence between married couples is private & " 15.8% felt that female rape victims contributed in some way to being raped".

Le problème abordé par le projet est de garantir le droit à un avortement gratuit et légal pour les filles, les adolescents et les femmes autochtones Chiquitano et autres de la ville de Pailón qui sont victimes de violences sexuelles.Plusieurs femmes de Pailón ont été victimes de traitements cruels et de violations de leurs droits car elles sont criminalisées, exposées aux médias, et agressées dans les hôpitaux quand elles présentent une grossesse à la suite de violences sexuelles.

Female sex workers (FSWs), including Transgender (TG) women in India are oppressed & highly stigmatized, living in acute poverty, routinely facing violence, sexual assault & rape. Health is a neglected issue due to discrimination at healthcare centers and economic insecurity. Our multi-level innovation enables & empowers FSWs to access timely pre & postexposure prophylaxis against HIV, STI testing, and psychological/legal support in a safe & non-judgmental manner that is currently unavailable.

Beading is a secret traditional practice among Samburu people of Northern Kenya where a young man (Moran) usually a clan member negotiates with a mother and brothers of a girl 9-15 years of age for sex to "prepare the girl for future marriage". This practice affecting 45% leads to school drop out, forced child marriages, unsafe forced abortion or infant killing when children are born. Overall it is physical/mental torture, sexual violence against minors. A fundamental violation of human rights.