Health Supplies and Services

TNH Health's Vitalk, a tool that enables an AI-powered virtual health assistant, Viki, to engage, educate and monitor large patient populations through digital conversation, the chatbot. Vitalk is currently available for download on the App store (both iOS and Android) and has free content for anyone in Brazil to access, with paid premium options available, including access to combined care between chatbot and a human health worker (nurse, psychologist etc.). Vitalk's business model works both B2C and B2B/B2G.

The Smart Discharges Program is a quality improvement initiative that focuses on the identification of children who are especially vulnerable during the post-discharge period and provides an evidence-based approach to mitigate this risk. The Smart Discharges program trains front-line health workers to 1) utilize a risk prediction algorithm embedded into a digital platform (ex.

The Assist Intentional innovation packages together several novel solutions to solve a multi-faced problem of barriers to oxygen. The core elements include installation of local oxygen production plants to enable access to affordable and reliable oxygen.

More than $34.1 billion in annual vaccine distributions globally are wasted due to temperature fluctuations, and shipment and logistics issues, a gross underestimation if considering the costs of avoidable illness. Temperature monitoring of cold chain equipment and vaccine vial monitors (VVM) provide a basis to flag heat- and freeze-damaged vaccines. When used correctly, these solutions are poised to unlock high-confidence delivery of a billion additional vaccines over the decade.

Many persons with mobility impairments or amputations in NW Syria are in need of prosthetics or orthotics. A needs assessment jointly conducted by HIHFAD and Medecine du Monde-Turkey in Afrin and Al Bab in November 2019 showed an alarming percentage of persons with disabilities in the area revealing existing gaps in services provision.

The Yemen humanitarian crisis has left an estimated 19.7 million people in need of access to essential healthcare, up 18.7% from last year. The health system is on the verge of collapse resulting from a critical shortage of health care providers (HCPs) and functional health facilities (51% remain) disproportionately impacting vulnerable populations such as women and children. Moreover, diagnostic imaging is rarely accessible in Yemen, leaving HCPs with little support.

The core issue we target is the unbearable working conditions of healthcare workers (HCW) fighting Ebola in the conflict affected areas of North Kivu and Ituri in DRC. These working conditions, due to inappropriate, disposable personal protective equipment (PPE) cause overheating and dehydration of HCW, self-contamination when removing the PPE, and logistical constraints. The limited face visibility makes HCW frightening, hampering an empathic relationship and trust with the patient/communities.

Humanitarian crises hit vulnerable groups hardest, such as people with disabilities. Also, conflicts result in an increase in disabilities caused by injuries or malnutrition. However, only 1 in 10 people in need have access to assistive devices. We propose developing and testing an alternative design for a rubber shoe of mobility aids such as crutches and canes. It will be a cost-effective alternative that would function in challenging environments such as unpaved or wet surfaces.