Infectious Disease

The project proposes to characterize the resistant determinants of microbial communities from key sources in hospitals, environment and farms to model the dynamics of the flow of antibiotic resistant microorganisms. The goal is to understand how the hospital environment and animal farming affect the ecology of antibiotic resistance movement. The project will rely on a methodology that allows the analysis of genes related to antibiotic resistance in a complex microbial community derived from specific samples instead of culture based methods for AMR identification.

The researcher will use machine learning techniques and a linked database to analyze mortality from drug-resistant tuberculosis. The goal is to better understand how the flow of patients through the health services network have influenced, or not, the occurrence of resistance.

This project proposes the development of the One Health Brazilian Resistance (OneBR), a curated and integrated genomic database. OneBR will use algorithms based on artificial intelligence to conduct surveillance, diagnosis, management and treatment of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the human-animal-environment interface. The goal is for this platform to be used by Brazilian health professionals in diverse settings, particularly within the Unified Healthcare System (SUS).

The project will study the genetic material from environmental samples from humans (healthy and ill), cattle and their meat to estimate the proportion of E. coli and K. pneumoniae in the microbiome. The main objective is to better understand the distribution of bacteria and its resistance genes, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria and extended spectrum beta-lactamase (EsβL) and carbapenemases encoding genes in distinct ecological sources.

The project will use molecular approaches, including genomics and phylogenomics, to find biomarkers that could indicate the location in the genetic code driving bacterial adaptation. In addition, these biomarkers could be used as a rapid method for screening predominant and high-virulency MRSA clones in hospitals, and thus quickly provide infection control committees with key data on MRSA spread and its antimicrobial resistance profile.

ChipCare Corporation's mission is to unlock global health equity through point-of-care innovation. Our low-cost, handheld extremely mobile and rapid blood testing device will increase life-saving clinical decision making at the community level in poor or remote settings. By 2015, UN plans to have trained one million community health workers in Africa. Our goal is to have our device into the hands of every one of these community health workers.

Chris de Villiers of Sinapi Biomedical in South Africa will produce an improved sample container that ensures sputum samples are of sufficient quantity and quality to diagnose tuberculosis (TB). South Africa has one of the highest burdens of TB, and has implemented a rapid testing program that diagnoses the disease from sputum. However, over 8% (around 218,000) of sputum samples cannot be tested, largely due to insufficient volumes or leaky sample containers. This causes additional costs and leaves many sufferers undiagnosed.

Bernard Appiah of Texas A&M School of Public Health in the U.S. will produce a one-hour community radio program to be aired twice per week comprising a 10-minute radio drama serial on infant vaccines, a 10-minute panel discussion by community health workers, and a 30-minute phone-in by listeners, to improve on-time childhood vaccinations in Ethiopia. In 2016, on-time and full immunization coverage in Ethiopia was only achieved for 39% of children between one and two years of age, despite long-term efforts to improve it.

Jeroen Lammertyn, Jaroslav Belotserkovsky, and Michael Kraft of KU Leuven in Belgium will develop a low-cost device to simplify blood collection and processing for monitoring of HIV viral load in low-resource settings. Most diagnostic assays work on blood, which must be manually collected from the patient, and then processed and stored before analysis. This requires trained health workers and infrastructure, is time-consuming, and can be unsafe. They will develop a simple, integrated device to collect and process blood.

Jan Willem Alffenaar of the University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands will develop two simple tests that measure the concentration of anti-tuberculosis drugs in treated patients in low-resource settings in order to optimize dosage and limit the emergence of deadly multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The increased incidence of MDR-TB is due in part to low levels of anti-tuberculosis drugs, thus dosage optimization during treatment is important. However, doing this in low-resource settings is currently challenging.