Neglected Tropical Diseases

Tae Seok Moon from Washington University in the U.S. will develop a bacterial-based strategy to block the transmission of soil-transmitted helminth infections (intestinal worms), which occurs via parasite eggs present in human feces. They will engineer consumable probiotic bacteria that are designed to sense when they are excreted from the body and to subsequently release toxic substances designed to kill the parasite eggs in order to prevent disease transmission.

Edward Mitre and his team at the Uniformed Services University in the U.S. will develop a method for the long-term maintenance of parasitic Roundworms (filariae) in cell-free culture. Human filariae cause substantial morbidity worldwide, but current therapies are inefficient or cause harmful side effects. Additionally, the inability to maintain filariae in vitro has hampered screening efforts to identify new drugs.

Aaron Maule of Queen's University Belfast in the United Kingdom will develop food crops expressing microRNAs that, upon ingestion by humans, can be used to target and kill parasitic worms and the mosquitos that transmit them. Plant microRNAs can survive the digestion process and are detected in human blood following consumption. Therefore, they may also be encountered by blood-borne parasitic worms and by the blood-eating insects that transmit them, which cause widespread disease. He will select candidate microRNAs and test their activity using rodent infection models.

Jason Andrews and colleagues from Massachusetts General Hospital in the U.S. have developed a low-cost handheld device that allows rapid and quantitative detection of Loa loa helminthic parasites in the bloodstream by fluorescent photometry. Quantitative detection is important because individuals with high levels of Loa loa can be fatally sensitive to a widely administered drug used to treat another common parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulans. Conventional detection by microscopy is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and often impractical in the field.

Michael K. Chan of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in China and his collaborators will use dawadawa, a staple food in western Africa, as the basis of a novel therapeutic for treating and preventing multiple parasitic worm (helminthic) infections, which are prevelant in developing countries. Dawadawa can be produced by fermenting soyabeans with Bacillus bacteria. By engineering Bacillus to produce parasite-killing (antihelminth) proteins, they can make a staple food with therapeutic properties at low cost.

Janis Weeks and Shawn Lockery of the University of Oregon and NemaMetrix in the U.S. have developed a drug discovery platform that they will tailor to identify new drugs for treating soil-transmitted helminthic (STH) infections, which are caused by parasitic nematodes (worms). STH infections are the most common human infection, causing pain, disability, and even death. However, current treatments are inadequate and due to technological barriers there are no new drugs on the horizon.

Stephen Miller and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the U.S. will identify and characterize molecular features that can easily penetrate Roundworms (nematodes), which commonly infect humans and can cause disability and death. Current treatment options are limited and toxic, and are losing efficacy due to the development of resistance mechanisms that can prevent the drug from entering the worm.

Denis Voronin of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom will identify new drugs for treating common and debilitating human parasitic diseases known as filariasis, which are caused by nematode worms, by specifically targeting their essential bacterial symbiont, Wolbachia.

Joseph Turner of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the United Kingdom will develop a small animal model of the parasitic disease onchocerciasis, also called river blindness, which is the second leading infectious cause of blindness. Treatment options for filarial infections are currently limited and lack effectiveness. Thus, small animal models of filarial infections are invaluable for preclinical testing of candidate drugs.

Richard Komuniecki of The University of Toledo in the U.S. will develop a high-throughput screening platform to identify novel drug targets for treating parasitic nematode (worm) infections, which cause significant morbidity in developing countries. Current drugs are ineffective against some parasitic species, and other species are becoming resistant, thus there is an urgent need for alternative approaches. However, high-throughput drug screens have been challenging because most parasitic nematodes cannot be cultured in the laboratory.