Noncommunicable Diseases

The project proposes to develop a low-cost portable endoscopic system to detect gastrointestinal diseases which lead to colorectal cancer. It uses novel image processing and multi-lighting techniques that will allow physicians to view more area and features of human small intestine, enabling quick and accurate diagnosis. The system is portable and does not require any hospital facility. Development will mainly be conducted in Saskatchewan.

Millions of women in rural areas and low-income countries do not have access to diagnostic imaging or breast screening programs. Using quantum physics, solid-state microwave detectors and cell phone technology, this project, led by the University of Manitoba, aims to create a portable, effective system to move breast cancer detection from clinic to home. Imagine a cell phone app that can detect cancer!

Up to 60% of the millions of people registered on bone marrow donor registries worldwide opt out before donation, and there is a severe lack of donors among minority groups. The primary factor for opting out and the shortage of minority donors: concern over the health risks related to bone marrow donation.

To improve cancer cure in Africa by bringing timely, accurate, pathological evaluation of extent of tumor invasion, that will empower the treating medical team to best therapies, using a centralized, comprehensive digital pathology lab connected through the Internet to remote clinics. Follow Helen Dimaras on Twitter @Hdimaras"

Non-communicable diseases are rapidly increasing while HIV and reproductive health still remain major problems, posing complex health system challenges in Kenya. This model utilizes existing healthcare systems to cost-effectively provide primary care for all these diseases in rural Kenya.

‘VISHWAS’ is a model of physician leadership that will place family physicians in the heart of communities, and prepare them to be agents of social change by immersing them in a multidisciplinary experiential learning and leadership program. Physician leaders operating from Vishwas community centers, will provide leadership for a variety of community health programs. Click HERE to Download the photo below. [caption id=""attachment_7981"align=""aligncenter"width=""450"caption=""Dr.

We aim to address the need for rapid, non-invasive and low-cost tools for accurate disease diagnosis. Specifically, we are developing a nanomechanical resonator platform for analysis of metabolomic biomarkers in patient breath.

We provide remote medical second opinions by linking volunteer specialists, many from the African diaspora, to patients in Kenya. Fees charged to affluent, urban patients allow consultations to be provided for free or at-cost to rural & poor patients.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes are on the rise in Africa due to changing lifestyles. Half of Cameroon’s urban women are obese and, in 2002, NCDs caused 43% of deaths in the country. This project aims to increase awareness of body fat composition and monitoring beyond hospital settings by tapping into existing exercise groups in several Cameroon cities -- a novel approach to motivate exercise adherence and healthy weight maintenance, providing equipment for body fat tracking.