
Iron is vital to early childhood health, growth and development, and for lifelong wellness, lowering the risk of diarrhea, measles, malaria and pneumonia. Yet a lack of iron is the world's most widespread micronutrient deficiency. This project will fortify a common staple - dal (dehulled lentil, pea, chickpea) - to triple iron intake in the diets of high-risk populations.

Burkina Faso remains one of the poorest countries in the world, where malnutrition affects children under five years in particular and causes 40,000 deaths per year. Social enterprise FasoPro wants to fight hunger and malnutrition by developing a diverse range of products using caterpillars' shea, a highly nutritious larva that is a widespread local resource in Burkina Faso. The approach will involve local agriculture businesses for sustainability and also improve awareness and local know-how about malnutrition.

In urban India today, AddressHealth offers primary and first-contact medical care, dental treatment, vision services, health education, nutrition, psychosocial health and chronic disease interventions to 40,000 urban children through its chain of integrated clinics and comprehensive school programs, with a goal of reaching one million children in low-income schools by 2019. The onsite program in schools is delivered by nurses, supported by a multidisciplinary child health team and a technology platform that includes televideo links and electronic school health records.

E-vouchers for veggies: reducing nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through video games and storytelling to promote behaviour change Nutrition is a vital factor in deaths caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in sub-Saharan Africa. This team of innovators wants to tackle this issue by improving nutrition knowledge through secondary school students and mothers using a gaming and storytelling platform, to promote behaviour change in healthy eating.

An integrated model for eliminating childhood malnutrition in rural Uganda will be implemented by in Luuka District, Eastern Uganda. A food product made from locally available food will daily enrich the children's diet. Successful project results will be translated into the Uganda food and nutrition policy.

We bring home to Western Kenya an integrated innovation for food-fuel-and-income-security, fine-tuned in villages of Eastern India. Struggling grandmothers and their orphaned grandchildren mechanize their agriculture with self-made bio-fuel. Result: More food, less malnourishment, and Health.

If a child is malnourished during the first 2 years of life, the child's physical and mental development will be slowed to such an extent that no correction is possible even when the child eventually grows older. This project explores the possibility of empowering local grocers to select and provide 3 meals per day to children less than 2 years and also to all lactating mothers in their own communities.

Malnutrition, which affects over 230 million Africans, is attributed in part to a lack of trust in, and access to critical information about, new agricultural technologies, development programs and sustainable practices, and low farmer participation in the innovation process. A mobile application developed in Kenya and Nigeria to address the problem of malnutrition by linking farmers with key players in the agricultural sector, in order to facilitate access to relevant information that will improve crop yields, intake of nutritious crops and, ultimately, enhance rural livelihoods.