
While 70% of India’s population lives in rural areas, 90% of the secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities are in urban areas, far away from the rural population. With this project, LV Prasad Eye Institute intends to integrate the community care by taking eye care to rural populations in remote locations, with the tele-ophthalmic stereoscopic slit lamp biomicroscope that connects patients in remote areas with ophthalmologists across distances and in real time. This makes a full eye examination from any place or distance a reality.

Due to cultural beliefs and lack of rural medical services, over 60% of Tanzanians seek mental care from widely accessible traditional healers who tend to treat the spiritual causes of psychosis – an easily recognizable and prevalent condition. Without integrated systems of care, biological symptoms of psychosis may go untreated and reach chronic stages, leading to severe, long-term disability.

The new screening app, a $300 device, could dramatically raise the global level of diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, a problem that affects 1 in 100 people — 65 million worldwide, an estimated 80 to 90% of them in developing countries, of which at least 60% go untreated.  The high incidence of epilepsy in developing countries is attributed to higher rates of head injuries and certain infections, including cerebral malaria.

In developing countries, more than 200 million children under five years fail to reach their developmental and cognitive potential. Early identification and intervention for children at risk of neurodevelopmental impairments can make the difference between lifelong disability and fulfillment of developmental potential. However, access to such care is non-existent in rural communities.

PathCore’s telepathology platform will be used to prove efficacy of remote telepathology for underserved regions, by connecting University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Nigeria with foreign experts Anticipated benefits for UBTH include: collaborative review of problematic cases, opportunities to learn from foreign expertise, reduced travel costs for experts and patients and enhanced patient care (i.e. faster, better, cheaper care). Digital pathology is a low-cost alternative that streamlines assistance from foreign experts by eliminating geographical barriers.

We elevate the significance of HIV-linked cancers to diverse stakeholders by developing a unique repository of information on common cancers, especially those that are HIV-linked. Create demand for innovative (public healthcare) interventions to address Information, Education & Communication (IEC) needs based on unique"

Up to 60% of the millions of people registered on bone marrow donor registries worldwide opt out before donation, and there is a severe lack of donors among minority groups. The primary factor for opting out and the shortage of minority donors: concern over the health risks related to bone marrow donation.