
Using low-cost cell phone technology can improve HIV/AIDS treatment outcomes in resource-limited settings. Our Grand Challenge is to develop this landmark research project into a broadly sustainable mHealth service using innovative business models. Follow WelTel on Twitter @WelTelAfrica"

In urban India today, AddressHealth offers primary and first-contact medical care, dental treatment, vision services, health education, nutrition, psychosocial health and chronic disease interventions to 40,000 urban children through its chain of integrated clinics and comprehensive school programs, with a goal of reaching one million children in low-income schools by 2019. The onsite program in schools is delivered by nurses, supported by a multidisciplinary child health team and a technology platform that includes televideo links and electronic school health records.

Malnutrition, which affects over 230 million Africans, is attributed in part to a lack of trust in, and access to critical information about, new agricultural technologies, development programs and sustainable practices, and low farmer participation in the innovation process. A mobile application developed in Kenya and Nigeria to address the problem of malnutrition by linking farmers with key players in the agricultural sector, in order to facilitate access to relevant information that will improve crop yields, intake of nutritious crops and, ultimately, enhance rural livelihoods.

In Tamil Nadu, India, nearly half of all children with disabilities lack basic education. This exclusion is even more profound in rural communities. This novel project will empower local rehabilitation workers to implement early intervention programs for children with developmental delays. Customized tablet applications are used to coordinate with specialists located remotely, to tailor individualized programs for identified children.