
Only 11% of Nigerian women of reproductive age (15-49 years) use a modern contraceptive method. As a result, Nigeria has an estimated 2.3 million unintended pregnancies yearly. The main cause of these unintended pregnancies and the poor contraceptive use is the lack of access to sexual and reproductive health information available to young people in Nigeria. 30% of Nigerian women aged 25-29 have experienced some form of gender-based violence since age 15. Furthermore, 3.6 million Nigerians are infected with HIV (the second largest HIV epidemic worldwide).

TNH Health's Vitalk, a tool that enables an AI-powered virtual health assistant, Viki, to engage, educate and monitor large patient populations through digital conversation, the chatbot. Vitalk is currently available for download on the App store (both iOS and Android) and has free content for anyone in Brazil to access, with paid premium options available, including access to combined care between chatbot and a human health worker (nurse, psychologist etc.). Vitalk's business model works both B2C and B2B/B2G.

The Smart Discharges Program is a quality improvement initiative that focuses on the identification of children who are especially vulnerable during the post-discharge period and provides an evidence-based approach to mitigate this risk. The Smart Discharges program trains front-line health workers to 1) utilize a risk prediction algorithm embedded into a digital platform (ex.

Aviro Med Design Pty Ltd (Aviro Health) is a South African for-profit company that designs digital content and mobile solutions to improve patient experiences in healthcare. The innovation, Ithaka, is a mobile tool (web, WhatsApp, or online/offline mobile phone application) that provides patients with information and tools to make HIV self-tests(HIVST) easier to use and helps link patients back to care.

WelTel is a digital health service that provides virtual care and patient engagement by remotely connecting patients with the healthcare system. Patients send an SMS to WelTel, which then captures data and uses natural language processing and predictive algorithms to send tailored responses and reminders. WelTel has integrated dashboard features that support scheduling appointments and setting reminders, broadcasting phone video or public health messages or pushing existing web-services and information, all on a secure patient-portal that can track symptoms.

SID has created Thrive-Generations (THRIVE-GEN), an adaptation of the Open Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP) for the Indonesian context. THRIVE-GEN is an integrated Digital Health Platform that enables front-line health workers (FHWs) providing antenatal (ANC) postnatal care (PNC), vaccination, nutrition, and family services, to collect and share health data in real time. The Digital Health Platform is complemented by a public parenting app and early childhood development tool.

Poor quality is the biggest barrier to reducing mortality and achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC), particularly in relation to maternal and child health. Nearly all causes of poor MNCH health outcomes are preventable and/or treatable, so long as adequate skilled, quality care is provided.

Nivi’s vision is to be the most trusted source of information about women’s health. Launched in 2016, Nivi’s core product is the first digital contraceptive screening and referral service in East Africa. Anyone with a basic mobile phone can complete a free screening, receive personalized recommendations for contraceptive methods, referrals to nearby healthcare providers, and provide feedback on their experience with providers and methods.