Communication/Media Platform

Most road traffic crashes in Kenya are in populated areas with high socioeconomic activities that demand considerable transport. Our project will motivate riders and passengers to practice road safety using a four-pronged approach of educate, change, enforce and reward through curriculum training and a phone app.

My bold idea is addressing the vulnerability to HIV, harmful gender norms, access to health services and poor life-skills; and low economic capacity of girls of Mukuru Slums, Nairobi in one program that is holistic and sustainable.

Adolescent girls in Zambia face social constraints that make girls vulnerable to early pregnancy, HIV, and school dropout. We propose teaching evaluating an innovative Negotiation Skills Curriculum that equips girls with the ability to build healthier futures for themselves. Negotiating a Better Future is run through Innovations for Poverty Action-Zambia.

Access to affordable and quality medicine remains an important global issue. Despite government measures, retail mark-up ranges from 5 to 355%. The main reason for this disparity is price information asymmetry, especially in far-flung areas. Furthermore, there are a number of products which over-claim to have therapeutic benefits. Unregistered and dubious products still haunt the stores. PTTT is an IT application that will make drug prices and FDA status available to the public via smartphone and will open a direct line from the consumer to the government.

Ben Gilbert and Andrew Brown of the University of Canberra in Australia will develop a regional support network for medical supply managers in Pacific Island countries that can help them to better apply the formal training they received to manage vaccine supply systems. By engaging them in a buddy support system, Gilbert and Brown hope to empower these managers to overcome cultural, educational, social and historical factors that hinder effective management styles, and help them operate supply systems that are more responsive to immunization challenges in those developing countries.

Arun Ramanujapuram of Logistimo, Inc. in India proposes to develop a mobile-phone based "bulletin-board" for capturing and broadcasting availability and demand information for vaccines and medicines. By bringing real-time visibility to these essential goods, stock can be appropriately redistributed to areas of need, and waste can be reduced.