Educational Program

Uganda's lack of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in national curriculum leaves little opportunity for youth to learn about sex and sexual rights. Adolescents will go to a variety of information sources but often will receive confusing and conflicting information about relationships and sex. The lack of CSE has left Uganda with one of the most alarming teenage pregnancy rates in the world, estimated at about 30%, four times higher than in other developing countries.

The innovation proposes to work with retailer associations to routinely coach/mentor their membership on the management of childhood illnesses—while also directly connecting retailers to affordable, high-quality suppliers of the recommended treatments and providing linkages with higher levels of care.

There is a high risk of illness and death from pregnancy-related complications, HIV, or other STIs in girls in Kenya. Pregnancy is the main cause of girls leaving school, which impacts negatively their lives, and the country's economy. The causes for adolescent pregnancy include parent-child communication, gender inequity, a lack of services and sexuality education. With the majority of Kenya's population being youth and two out of five people under 15, there is an urgent need for change.

In DRC, GBV and its harmful health consequences are linked to the battle for control of mineral wealth. Sexual violence has become a wartactic used to control mines and smuggling routes. Women working in mines are brutally exploited. Survivors of wartime rape and exploitation face life-threatening injuries, diseases, and trauma. For many, social stigma & financial insecurity bars them from accessing much needed SRH services, driving a cycle of dependence and exploitation that is hard to escape.

The violence is established in the first affective relationships between couples of adolescents, it tends to be progressive, from sexist jokes, ridicule, prohibitions, beatings, pinches and blackmail, as a tragic consequence we have femicides; in 2017 there were 109 cases in the country, Cochabamba is the Department with the highest number of this Crime. Another consequence is the ignorance of Reproductive Sexual Health, a topic that should be addressed from education.

Mozambique experiences high rates of early child marriages. According to the 2011 Demographic and Health survey (IDS), 14% of women between the ages of 20 and 24 married before the age of 15 years and 48% before the age of 18 years. Indeed, Mozambique is tenth country with highest prevalence of early child marriages in the world, seventh in Africa and second in Southern Africa. Reported cases of Domestic Violence increased from 23,000 in 2014 to 25,000 in 2016 (National Institute of Statistics).

Ubongo is a Tanzania-based non-profit social enterprise that produces localized edutainment for families in Africa, to help them learn, and leverage their learning to change their lives. We aim to positively impact the development, learning and life trajectory of over 100 million kids in Africa by 2030.

Moments That Matter: Strengthening Families So Young Children Can Thrive is an integrated community-led parenting empowerment program that aims to sustainably catalyze change among families directly affected by HIV/AIDS and other vulnerabilities in Zambia and Kisumu County in Kenya. Moments that Matter's design focuses on the critical 0-3 year age period strengthening the primary caregiver-child relationship and the child's cognitive, language, motor skills and social and emotional development.

The GROW with Educare Centres' vision is to develop a national brand of quality, inspirational, aspirational, fee-paying Early Childhood Development centres in low-income areas for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. GROW is innovative in that it is using social franchising as the pathway to scale and has successfully replicated the model to 20 schools serving 780 children in 3 years.

OneSky has developed an Early Childhood Care and Education program designed to address the need for high quality care and education of vulnerable young children in newly industrialized regions in the developing world. At the foundation of the innovation are a ToT approach, unique OneSky curriculum, and partnership with the government.